Notice of Privacy Practices
The Guthrie Clinic, 包括其附属实体, is required by law to maintain the privacy of Protected Health Information (PHI) and to provide each patient with The Guthrie Clinic “Notice of Privacy Practices” (“Notice”) detailing our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to PHI. 当前通知的副本张贴在我们所有的招生和等候区. 在您首次访问我们的设施时,我们将向您提供一份通知副本. 您也可以通过访问我们的网站www获得您自己的副本 or by calling the Privacy Officer at 1-888-841-4644 or
PHI是可以识别你的信息,它与你的过去有关, present, 或未来身体或精神健康状况及相关保健服务. This Notice of Privacy Practices Guide outlines how we may use and disclose PHI to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations and for other specified purposes that are permitted or required by law. 通知手册详细说明了您在PHI方面的权利. We are required to provide the Notice booklet to you by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
世界博彩公司十大排名诊所必须遵守“隐私惯例通知”中的条款。. 未经您的书面授权,我们不会使用或披露您的PHI, 除非通知中另有规定或另有允许. We reserve the right to change our practices and the Notice and to make the new Notice effective for all PHI we maintain. 本公司会应阁下要求,向阁下提供经修订的通知.
The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose your protected health information. We have provided you with examples in certain categories; however, 并不是每个类别的使用或披露都被列出.
Treatment:我们可能会使用您的健康信息来提供和协调治疗, medications, and services you receive. 我们可能会向医生透露医疗信息, nurses, technicians, administrators, staff, 还有那些在我们的系统里照顾你的人. 我们也可能向非guthrie供应商披露医疗信息, treatment team members, agencies, 提供治疗的商业伙伴或设施, 协调或持续的护理.
Example: 为你治疗受伤的医生会询问另一位医生你的整体健康状况.
Payment:我们可能会将您的健康信息用于各种与支付相关的功能, and we may disclose medical information so that the treatment and services you receive may be billed and payment collected. 我们将向您或第三方付款人收取治疗费用, equipment, and supplies provided to you.
Example: 我们把你的信息提供给你的健康保险计划,这样它就会支付你的服务费用.
Health Care Operation: 我们可能会将您的健康信息用于某些操作, administrative, 质量保证活动. We may use information in your health record to monitor the quality and performance and to comply with laws and regulations. This information will be used in an effort to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the health care and services we provide.
Example: 降低术后感染率, 有必要查看医疗记录,以确定发生的感染率.
Appointment Reminders: We may contact you to remind you that you have an appointment at The Guthrie Clinic or provide information about treatment alternatives or other health-related benefits and services that may be of interest to you.
与参与您的护理或支付您的护理的个人沟通我们可能会向家庭成员透露, other relative, close personal friend or any other person you identify that PHI which is directly relevant to that person's involvement in your care or payment related to your care.
Notification: Unless you object, 或者按照你的指示, 我们可能会使用或披露您的PHI来通知或协助通知您的家庭成员, personal representative, 或者另一个人负责你的照顾或支付你的照顾费用, regarding your location, general condition, 如果你不幸去世.
患者信息目录如果你是住院病人,你的姓名、地点、一般情况(如.g.(满意)和你的宗教信仰将被列入患者信息目录. Directory information, 除了你的宗教信仰, 可以释放给那些指名道姓找你的人吗. 你的宗教信仰也可以提供给你所在教会的神职人员, 即使他们没有叫你的名字. 我们将给你方反对被列入目录的机会, 除非有紧急情况使我们不能请求你.
我们被允许出于以下目的使用或披露您的个人信息. 世界博彩公司十大排名诊所可能永远没有理由披露这些信息.
Public Health: As required by law, we may disclose your PHI to public health or legal authorities charged with preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability.
Report Abuse: As required by law, 当信息与虐待受害者有关时,我们可能会披露您的个人信息, neglect, or domestic violence.
Law Enforcement: We may disclose your PHI for law enforcement purposes as required by law or in response to a subpoena or court order.
诉讼和其他法律诉讼: In connection with lawsuits or other legal proceedings we may disclose information in response to a court or administrative order or other lawful process.
As Required by Law当联邦、州或地方法律要求时,我们将披露您的个人信息.
Research: We may disclose your PHI to researchers when their research has been approved by an institutional review board or privacy board that has reviewed the research proposal and established protocols to ensure the privacy of your information.
Fundraising: We may use information about you to contact you in an effort to raise money for one or more of our facilities. 我们可能会使用或披露人口统计和联系信息(如您的姓名), address, phone, gender), 日期,服务部门和你的主治医生. 我们将为您提供一个选择退出此类通信的机会.
Marketing: We are not permitted to provide your health information to any other person or company for marketing to you of any products or services, 除非有你明确的书面授权. We are also not permitted to receive payment in exchange for making such marketing communication to you. We may, however, provide you with marketing materials in a face-to- face encounter 未获得您的授权. In addition, 我们可能会向您介绍与您的治疗有关的我们自己的保健产品和服务, 病例管理或护理协调, or alternative treatments, therapies, 在未获得您的授权的情况下. 我们也被允许给你一个象征性价值的促销礼物, if we so choose, 未获得您的授权. 我们将为您提供一个选择退出此类通信的机会.
回应器官和组织捐赠请求. 我们可以与器官采购组织分享你的健康信息.
与验尸官,法医或丧葬主任一起工作. 我们可以和验尸官分享健康信息, medical examiner, or funeral director as permitted by law to carry out their duties; when an individual dies.
Workers’ Compensation: We may release medical information about you to programs that provide benefits for work-related injury or illness.
避免严重和迫在眉睫的 Threat to Health or Safety. We may use your health information or share it with others when necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to your health or safety, 或他人或公众的健康或安全.
Health Oversight Activities. We may disclose your medical information to health oversight organizations authorized to conduct audits, investigations, 检查我们的设施.
专门的政府职能:我们 是否会披露你的PHI与政府职能有关,例如军事, 国家安全和情报活动. We will use or disclose PHI to the Department of Veterans Affairs to determine whether you are eligible for certain benefits.
Inmates. 如果你是一个惩教机构的囚犯, we may disclose to the institution or agents of the institution health information necessary for your health and the health and safety of other individuals.
PHI的其他使用和披露: We will obtain your written authorization before using or disclosing your PHI for purposes other than those provided for above (or as otherwise permitted or required by law). 您可以在任何时候以书面形式撤销授权. 收到书面撤销后, 我们将停止使用或披露您的个人信息, 但下列情况除外:
To the extent that we have already taken action in reliance on the authorization; and If the authorization is to permit disclosure of PHI to an insurance company, 作为获得保险的条件, 在其他法律允许保险人对索赔或承保范围提出异议的范围内.
应要求索取该通知的书面副本您可以随时索取我们最新的“隐私惯例通知”的副本. 您可以通过世界博彩公司十大排名诊所或我们的网站www获得纸质副本
要求限制PHI的某些使用和披露: You have the right to request additional restrictions on our use or disclosure of your PHI by sending a written request to the Privacy Officer. 我们可能不需要同意这些限制. 我们不能同意法律要求的限制使用或披露, 或者管理我们的业务所必需的. 我们同意在健康计划中保留信息的限制,如果你, the individual, 提前全额支付服务费用.
检查并获得PHI的副本在大多数情况下,您有权访问和复制我们保存的有关您的PHI信息. 要检查或复制您的PHI,您必须向卫生信息部门发送书面请求. 我们可能会向你收取复印费, 满足您的要求所必需的邮寄和用品. 在某些有限的情况下,我们可能会拒绝你方查阅和复制的要求.
Request an amendment of PHI:如果您认为我们维护的有关您的PHI不完整或不正确, 你可以要求我们修改它. 如需修改,您必须向隐私官发送书面请求. 你必须包括一个支持你的请求的理由. In certain cases, 我们可以拒绝你方的修改要求, 但是我们会在60天内通知你我们的决定.
接收PHI的披露账目: You have the right to receive an accounting of the disclosures we have made of your PHI after April 14, 2003年用于治疗以外的大部分目的, payment, or health care operations. 接收会计的权利受到某些例外、限制和限制. 如要要求进行会计核算,您必须向隐私官提交书面请求. 您的请求必须指定时间段. 期间不得超过六年,并且不得包括2003年4月14日以前的日期. 我们每年免费提供一次会计服务,但收费合理, 如果您在12个月内要求另一个,则按成本收费.
通过其他方式或在其他地点要求PHI通信例如,您可以要求我们在另一个住所或邮政信箱与您联系. 要求对您的PHI进行保密沟通, 你必须以书面形式向私隐主任提出要求. 您的请求必须告诉我们您想要联系的方式或地点. 我们将满足所有合理的要求.
Notification of Breach: Affected individuals will be notified of breaches of their unsecured PHI pursuant to state and federal laws.
如果您对世界博彩公司十大排名诊所的隐私措施有任何疑问或想了解更多信息, 您可以联系世界博彩公司十大排名诊所的隐私官. 如果你认为你的隐私权被侵犯了, 你可致电1-888-841-4644或 或与卫生与公众服务部(HHS)部长联系 / ocr / / hipaa /投诉/隐私. 我们不会因为你的投诉而报复你.
The Guthrie Clinic reserves the right to change our privacy practices and the “Notice of Privacy Practices” at any time. 我们将在世界博彩公司十大排名诊所的所有设施和我们的网站上提供当前的通知 For more information see: / ocr / / hipaa /理解/消费者/ noticepp隐私.html.
本隐私惯例声明适用于所有世界博彩公司十大排名诊所实体. 本文件于2003年获得批准. 最近一次更新是在2018年12月.